The Sharing

I find that each of my songs is a collection of impressions, glimpses gleaned and gathered.

And as the collection grows, life stirs and soon these impressions align and cry out for melody.

And so, eventually, since they don’t easily give up these impressions, the song is born.

And then the song is played, and again, and again to myself and for myself, as yet unshared.

Is the song truly song if not shared, I wonder?

Yes, it is. But sharing does give it another dimension.

The Sharing I find that each of my songs is a collection of impressions, glimpses gleaned and gathered. And as the collection grows, life stirs and soon these impressions align and cry out for melody. And so, eventually, since they don't easily give up these impressions, the song is born.

The Words:

I glean and I gather
Sweet moments alive
to savor and sing you
for a while
until it is over

They shine and they glitter
They fade and revive
to find and to comfort you
until it is over

And with a heartful of things to say
I have rivers to tell
but if I can’t begin I may
as well
be gone

With love as my fortress
and song as my guise
if I could just share
a little while
into it is over

And while that tenderness
is hard to find
is so hard to show
is so hard to know

I find that nonetheless
to dream about
but to do without
is harder

Ulf Wolf
Winter 1998/Spring 2015
Copyright © 2018 by Wolfstuff

P.S. If you like what you’ve heard here and would like to contribute to the creative motion, as it were, you can do so via PayPal: here.